If you’re just moving in, please visit us at Durand Village Hall, 308 W. Main St., or call us at (815) 248-2606 between the hours of 9:30 AM and 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday.

You may also contact Village Hall at [email protected] – feel free to stop by and say hello!

Whether you contact us in person, by phone, or via e-mail, we are eager to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have regarding the Village of Durand and our many services, events and attractions.


Village Hall

Phone: 815-248-2606  Fax: 815-248-2032


Police, Fire or Ambulance Service call 911

Durand Police Department -Non Emergency

For questions or concerns requiring law enforcement assistance

Phone: 815-248-4194

Public Works

Road & Sidewalk Maintenance or Water and Sewer Concerns

Phone: 815-248-2201   Fax: 815-248-2032

Durand Fire Department

 115 W Howard St, Durand, IL 61024

Phone: 815-248-2696

Winnebago County Sheriff’s Department

650 W. State St, Rockford, IL 61108

Phone: 815-282-2600  To visit the website click here

Secretary of State-Driver Services Department

Information on locations and services available click here


No-charge line detection service…always call before you dig!

Phone: 800-892-0123

Nicor Gas

The professionals at Nicor Gas are ready to help you begin enjoying the comfort and reliability of natural gas. Nicor website click here

Phone: 888.642.6748


The electric utility company in Durand is ComEd.

Activate/Switch Service:  1-800-334-7661 (24/7)

Power Outage: 1-877-426-6331


Waste Management

Waste Management provided trash collection services for the residents of the Village of Durand on Friday of every week, unless otherwise noted for holidays. The cost of of trash collection is $16.10 per month, billed from the Village on an invoice that includes the cost of water, sewer and refuse. Residents are required to use the 64-gallon Trash cart and 64-gallon Recycle cart provided by Waste Management. Refuse in excess of the cart may be collected in bags/containers with handles not exceeding 32 gallons and less than 50 pounds. Additional bags/containers require a sticker to be serviced. Stickers are available at Village Hall.

Bulk Item Collection

Waste Management will collect bulk items once a month on a specified scheduled service day. Pick-up is at the curb.  Bulk item pick-up must be prepaid and prescheduled by the resident by calling WM Customer Service 24/7 at (800) 964-8988, Mattresses and Box Springs must be wrapped in plastic. Annual Spring Bulk Item Collection, A.K.A. Dash for Trash, is scheduled for the first Saturday in May.







Winnebago County Government Center

Marriage Licenses, Birth Certificates, Passports, Animal Control, County Sheriff, Jail

Phone: 815-319-4225


Cable, Phone, Internet

 Phone:  855-242-7037


Landline phone service, internet

Phone: 877-703-2801


Sonic Spectrum Inc


 Phone:  815-904-8700

Durand Village Library

Inside Durand School

The village library is open:

Saturday: 9:00 a.m.-noon

The libraries include the high school media center, elementary learning center, and Durand Village Library. The school libraries are open on school days during school hours.

The Otter Creek Historical Society and the Village of Durand have collaborated to offer historical Durand newspapers available through Newspapers.com. In exchanged for providing content to the Newspapers.com website subscription services, Durand residents have FREE access to this content from the computer in the Library.

Please come and browse our collection!