The new Well House is located on the Dayton Street end of Saelens Park. The initial location was to be near the water tower at the South end of town. Water samples received in that test site didn’t give ideal results. Rather than purchase a million dollar filter system, the Board opted to try another location at Saelens Park. This turned out to be a great decision. Upon drilling this 2nd test location, an Artesian Well was discovered. We are happy to have come upon the best option for Village residents. The Well House has been completed July 2022. The Village is still in the process of connecting the new well equipment to the SKADA system, through internet using fiber optics*, to allow Public Works employees to monitor and make changes to the system via a tablet or smartphone. The system will also send notifications and alerts should something malfunction or go wrong while public works employees are not on duty.
*Since the Village will be running fiber optics to the wellhouse equipment located in Saelens Park, we will also be providing FREE Village WiFi to those who do not have the option for in-home internet services and for those using the park for work or recreation.
Printable Village of Durand Notice of Water System Improvement Project July 2020