Petition submission period for elected officials is November 12-18, 2024. If you wish to be placed on the ballot, be sure to get your petition in.

The Consolidated General Election for the Village of Durand, in the County of Winnebago, will be held on April 1, 2025, between 6:00am and continue until 7:00pm that day for the following offices:

Village President: ONE (1)- Four Year Term

Village Trustee(s):

Number to be voted: THREE (3)- Four Year Term

Candidates must live in the Village, be a registered voter, and satisfy other eligibility requirements. Signature requirement is at least 2. Petitions and nominating papers can be picked up at the Durand Village Hall 9:30am – 4:30pm Monday – Friday. First day to circulate petitions for candidates seeking election on or after August 20, 2024. Call the Village office at 815-248-2606 if you have any questions or email: [email protected]