Career Opportunities-Application Period Closed

UPDATE: Thank you to everyone who put in a resume’ for either of our posted positions. The application period is closed. We are closer to hiring for public works and will be looking through the Office Manager applicants in the near future. The Village received...


The Village of Durand is proud to announce improvements to our Utility Billing System technology. In addition to the transition from postcards to clearly printed paper bills, Village residents and property owners now have access to VIEW & MANAGE their Utility...


Assistant Minority Leader and STATE REPRESENTATIVE JOHN CABELLO will be hosting a DMV Event Thursday, June 1st, from 10AM to 2PM with the Secretary of State’s office at the DURAND SOLUTIONS BANK, DURAND, IL. The MOBILE DMV will provide services such as driver’s...

Shred Event Coming Soon…

Dear Friend, I wanted to personally make you aware of and invite you to a FREE document shredding event that will be held on Saturday, June 10 from 9:00 until noon in Durand. I will be partnering with Durand Mayor Sheila Hoffman for this event. Document Shredding...

Newly Elected Officials Sworn In

Congratulations and Thank you to the newly elected Trustees sworn in and signed their oath of service at last nights Village Board meeting. Thank you to Ben Fritz for his dedicated years of service to the residents of the Village of Durand and all that he was part of...

Chicken Results

Thank you to the residents who made a request to change current ordinance using proper procedure. You did your due diligence, were respectful and patient. In return you deserve the the same, a respectful and thoughtful answer, even if the results are not what you...


April 28-29        Village-wide Garage Sales May 4-6            Stop and Swap UMC May 6                Dash for Trash/Village-wide Clean-up Day May 31/June 1  Saleing 75 Garage Sales June 10             Community Shred Event 9-Noon Drive-thru style                    ...


Voters will be asked the following ADVISORY QUESTION on the April 4, 2023 Consolidated Election Ballot. An advisory question is a type of ballot measure in which citizens vote on a non-binding question. The difference between an advisory vote and any other type of...